
Garlic Soup
Potatoes are my favorite thickening agent for garlic soup, but it can also be thickened with a roux of flour and butter or with bread, the traditional choice in the South of France, where this dish is a specialty.

Onion Soup Lyonnaise-Style
From the Lyon region of France, this onion soup is much thicker than the usual kind. It’s often served as a late-night dish.

Black Bean Soup with Bananas
I have created several versions of black bean soup through the years, but this one, flavored with pancetta and finished with bananas, ranks at the top of my list of favorites.

Tomato Chowder With Mollet Eggs
This basic tomato soup, topped with the eggs and large croutons made from country-style bread, can be made vegetarian by replacing the chicken stock with vegetable stock or water.

Sautèed Rabbit with Morels and Pearl Onions
This stew is made with the rabbit’s front and back legs and rib cage. The saddle (the whole back) is roasted, cooking in less time than the stew and staying moist and flavorful.

Skillet Duck with Red Oak Salad
Easy and delicious, this duck is cooked in much the same way as Southern fried chicken — fried in its own fat in a covered pot so steam develops, making the meat very moist and tender and the skin crisp.

Venison Steaks in Sweet-Sour Sauce
Venison is traditionally served with a sweet-sour sauce. This one contains currant or raspberry jelly for sweetness and vinegar — cooked with shallots and added at the end — for a contrasting sour taste.

Flat Potato Omelet
In this omelet, which is flat, not rolled, the eggs serve as a binder for thinly sliced potatoes and onions, which are first sautéed, then covered with thin slices of tomato.

Soda Bread
When you’re pressed for time, soda bread is the prefect solution, since this Irish classic requires only a few minutes of work.

Long Proofed Baguette
The long rising time in this recipe gives the baguettes a better texture and a more pronounced flavor.