
Sautèed Rabbit with Morels and Pearl Onions
This stew is made with the rabbit’s front and back legs and rib cage. The saddle (the whole back) is roasted, cooking in less time than the stew and staying moist and flavorful.

Venison Steaks in Sweet-Sour Sauce
Venison is traditionally served with a sweet-sour sauce. This one contains currant or raspberry jelly for sweetness and vinegar — cooked with shallots and added at the end — for a contrasting sour taste.

Puerto Rican Pork and Beans
My wife, Gloria, often prepares this dinner when we have guests. A satisfying one-dish meal, it can be cooked ahead and refrigerated or frozen, and it is even better reheated.

Pork Loin Tournedos with Cream and Calvados
In this rich dish, pan juices that result from browning boneless pork steaks, or tournedos, are deglazed with applejack and the sauce is finished with heavy cream.

Lamb Navarin
A navarin is a classic lamb stew, and there are many variations. For a tasty peasant-like dish, I make mine the way my mother used to, with an unboned lamb breast.

Tomatoes Maison
My mother used to make dishes like this when she had a little stale bread on hand and some leftover meat from a roast or stew.

Spicy Rib Roast
Although my wife is normally not an aficionado of roast beef, she loves this recipe. The spicy rub — garlic, ginger, sugar, soy sauce, cayenne, dry mustard, and paprika — is the reason why.

Braised Beef in Red Wine
It’s important to use beef shoulder or shank. These lean yet gelatinous cuts retain their moistness after cooking — a quality essential to the dish.

Veal Chops with Caper Sauce
This is a good summer recipe. I sear the chops briefly on a very hot grill and then transfer them to a warm oven, where they continue to cook slowly in their own residual heat.

Roast Sausage with Potatoes
This sausage is made without a casing, so its preparation is very easy. Its taste develops during the curing, which should take place in the refrigerator.