
Braised Pears in a Caramel Sauce
Sprinkling pears with sugar helps draw out their juices and makes a natural caramel.

Stew of Red Summer Fruit
The dessert even improves after one day in the refrigerator, when the juices thicken slightly and the flavor of the fruit becomes more intense. It will keep for several days.

Good Lady Apples Bon Femme
For these baked apples, ubiquitous in home cooking as well as in country inns and restaurants, only a few ingredients are needed.

Baked Alaska
Made of ice cream surrounded by pound cake, covered with a meringue, and baked briefly just before serving, Baked Alaska is always impressive.

Apricot and Pistachio Soufflé
Although the soufflé is served hot here, it can be cooled, unmolded, sliced into wedges, and served with a sauce.

Bread and Butter Pudding
One of my favorite desserts, especially during the Christmas holidays, this British pudding is flavored with candied lemon peel.

Flan a la Vanille with Caramel-Cognac Sauce
This rich custard cooked in a soufflé dish, unmolded, and topped with caramel is a sure crowd-pleaser.

Cheesecake with Apricot-Blueberry Sauce
This cheesecake recipe remains my wife’s favorite and also that of my brother, who discovered it on his first trip to America. It’s dense, rich, and yet delicate. I like it served cool, but not ice cold.

Tarte Tatin
Tarte Tatin, the famous upside-down caramelized apple tart created many years ago by the two Tatin sisters, is an example of a dish that originated in a home kitchen and eventually made its way into most of the great restaurants.

Tartelettes Aux Fruit Panaches
Thin disks of dough are baked with a topping of lightly sugared apricot and plum wedges until the pastry is crisp and the fruit soft.